The National Cybersecurity Strategy of Italy

The National Cybersecurity Strategy of Italy

The digital development of the contemporary era is marked by a series of complex interconnection services in cyberspace that goes beyond just connection speed, a number of interactions between users, and accessibility of data and information. The evolution of technologies involves essential services such as energy infrastructure, financial market, drinking water supply, public transport, and even essential functions of the State, such as defense and integrity. The boundary between the digital dimension and the real world has become increasingly blurred.

Scientific research and industrial development determine the diffusion and progressive use of so-called emerging and disruptive technologies (EDT, and cover the numerous risks and economic, social and political implications. These risks vary from technological dependence and the loss of the State’s strategic autonomy to anthropic threats, in which human error is added to the initiatives of hostile actors, such as cybercrime and cyberespionage.

Combating threats emanating from cyberspace is a reality that must be faced, and must include the adoption of risk prevention and mitigation measures aimed at strengthening the resilience of digital infrastructures. This is an action that requires the dissemination of a cybersecurity culture, as well as public awareness of the risks related to physical security or the protection of assets.

In this sense, the National Cybersecurity Agency of Italy has developed a strategy in accordance with the EU Strategic Compass for Security and Defense of March 2022 and the recent NATO strategic guidelines to increase cybersecurity and consumer confidence and achieve an adequate level of strategic autonomy in the Information and Communication Technologies sector and thus guarantee digital sovereignty.


Author: Francine Martin


National Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2026. Retrieved from National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN):