Network Projects


European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations

Duration: 1 February 2019 – 31 January 2023

Programme: H2020

Cyber defense is vital for prosperity and security. The project ECHO aims to deliver an organised and coordinated approach to improve proactively the cyber defense of the European Union, allowing the bloc to act in anticipation, defending against an attack on computers and networks. ECHO is developing a network through which the EU’s Cybersecurity and Competence Centres can be best coordinated and optimised. This can help contribute to a lasting and sustainable development of cybersecurity skills, including increased research and experimentation for certified security products such as early warning systems and inter-sector technology roadmaps.

A European Positive Sum Approach towards AI tools in support of Law Enforcement and safeguarding privacy and fundamental rights.

Duration: 1 October 2021 – 30 September 2023
Programme: H2020
The EU-funded pop AI project aims to boost trust in AI by increasing awareness and current social engagement, consolidating distinct spheres of knowledge by academics and non-academics, and delivering a unified European view and recommendations. The project will create an ecosystem and the structural basis for a sustainable and inclusive European AI hub for LEA. It will use existing knowledge and extensive studies to identify and document the direct and indirect stakeholders from the security and AI sectors as well as their corresponding views while ensuring equitable gender and diversity representation.

Enhancing cybersecurity and the reporting of cyberattacks in the EU

Duration: 1 December 2021 – 30 November 2024

Programme: European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police Programme under grant agreement No 101038738

The project aims to provide policymakers, law enforcement agencies and the private sector with a more comprehensive understanding of cyberattacks and cybercrime in the EU. Insights will be used to develop investigative tools, improve information sharing, and better detection, response and prevention of cybercrime.


Understanding the drivers of cyber criminality, and new methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate cybercriminal behaviour A Research

Duration: 1 May 2020 – 30 April 2023
Programme: H2020
The EU-funded CC-DRIVER project focuses on the human factors behind juvenile cyber-delinquency and adolescent hacking. The findings will assist in the development of mitigation and deterrence strategies. By investigating ‘cybercrime-as-a-service’, the project will design policy templates for combatting online cybercrime and produce a youth self-assessment online metric tool designed to help understand cybercriminal behavior and prompt positive pathways. The project will also conduct a comparative analysis of cybercrime legislation and policy in eight Member States.

Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats

Duration: 1 May 2020 – 30 April 2025

Programme: H2020

The EU-funded EU-HYBNET project focuses on the preparation for and defending against hybrid threats, as well as on the development and building of a European network for the sector. To identify the most urgent needs for countering hybrid threats, the project will bring together practitioners and stakeholders. It will undertake in-depth analysis of the gaps and needs and test the most promising innovations (technical and social).

An Interactive, Collaborative Digital Gamification Approach to Effective Experiential Training and Prediction of Criminal Actions

Duration: 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2024
Programme: H2020
The EU-funded LAW-GAME project uses gamification technologies to train police officers on procedures in a safe and controlled virtual environment in Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Romania, and Moldova. The project will introduce an attractive method to develop competencies required to perform AI-assisted intelligence analysis and illegal acts prediction. LAW-GAME will conduct forensic examination through a one-player or multi-player cooperative scenario and provide developed AI tools for evidence recognition, crime scene investigation, and car accident analysis. The project will expose the trainees to police interview tactics and train them to recognise and mitigate potential terrorist attacks.

Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity Reinforcement and System Resilience

Duration: 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2025

Programme: Horizon Europe
AI4CYBER seeks to provide an Ecosystem Framework of next-generation trustworthy cybersecurity services that leverage AI and Big Data technologies to support system developers and operators in effectively managing robustness, resilience, and dynamic response against advanced and AI-powered cyberattacks. The project will deliver a new breed of AI-driven software robustness and security testing services that significantly facilitates the testing experts work, through smarter flaw identification and code fixing automation. Moreover, the project will provide cybersecurity services for comprehension, detection and analysis of AI-powered attacks to prepare the critical systems to be resilient against them.

Immerse. Interact. Investigate

Duration: 1 June 2020 – 31 May 2023

Programme: H2020

The EU-funded INFINITY project combines innovations in virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning with big data and visual analytics. Its goal is to provide an integrated solution to revolutionize data-driven investigations. The project addresses the key needs of contemporary law enforcement, equipping investigators with cutting-edge tools to acquire, process, visualize and act on the massive amounts of data they face every day. INFINITY helps law enforcement agencies with automated systems and instinctive interfaces and controls.

Artificial Intelligence Roadmap for Policing and Law Enforcement

Duration: 1 October 2021 – 30 September 2024

Programme: H2020

The EU-funded ALIGNER project brings together European actors who have concerns about AI, law enforcement and policing to jointly identify and discuss how to improve Europe’s security, through which AI strengthens law enforcement agencies, delivering benefits to the public. Project work helps pave the way for an AI research roadmap.
CTC Project

Cut The Cord (CTC)

Duration: 1 November 2021 – 30 October 2023
Programme: European Union – Internal Security Fund
The project aims to prevent and predict financial crimes, while assisting Law Enforcement Agencies and other entities to “cut the cords ” to non-traditional products for financing and supporting terrorist organizations.

solutionS to enHance Interfaith protEction of pLaces of worship from terrorist Danger

Duration: 3 January 2022 – 2 January 2024

Programme: European Union – Internal Security Fund

SHIELD is a project funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund aimed at protecting places of worship from the risks of violent extremism. Implementing risk factors’ analysis, SHIELD is to enhance security postures at places of worship through improving the coordination, cooperation, and communication between law enforcement agencies, public authorities, faith leadership, and congregations.


Development of an efficient steganalysis framework for uncovering hidden data in digital media

Duration: 1 May 2021 – 30 April 2024

Programme: H2020

The main objective of UNCOVER is to develop innovations for detecting hidden information (steganalysis) and to increase the technological autonomy of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in the field of digital media steganalysis. With its consortium of 22 partners, which includes LEAs, forensic institutes, leading researchers and software developers as well as technology companies, UNCOVER aims to improve current standards of steganalysis solutions regarding the performance, usability, operational needs, privacy protection, and chain-of-custody considerations. 


Preventing, Countering, and Investigating Terrorist Attacks through Prognostic, Detection, and Forensic Mechanisms for Explosive Precursors

Duration: 1 October 2021 – 30 September 2024

Programme: H2020

The EU-funded ODYSSEUS project develops effective and efficient prognostic, detection and forensic tools to improve prevention, countering and investigation of terrorist incidents involving homemade explosives. The knowledge helps in the development of tools for monitoring the chemical supply chain and sensing in (near) real-time explosive precursors. The tools will be field-tested in three operational use cases.

CORE Project

sCience and human factOr for Resilient sociEty

1 September 2021 – 31 August 2024

Programme: H2020

The EU-funded CORE project identifies and implements best practice and knowledge, learning from seven past cases and from countries like Japan which has high levels of seismic and tsunami risk, but where risk awareness is high. Blending this European-specific and global best practice, CORE provides optimised actions and harmonised solutions to rebuild socio-economic structures after a disaster. Through transdisciplinary collaboration involving environmental science and social science communities, it defines common metrics related to the different types of disasters, and how to measure, control and mitigate their impact.

EITHOS Project

European Identity THeft Observatory System

1 October 2022 – 30 September 2025

Programme: H2020

Project EITHOS (European Identity THeft Observatory System) – funded under Grant Agreement 101073928, Call “Fighting Crime and Terrorism 2021”, Topic “Online identity theft is countered” – will develop a novel Identity Theft Observatory System, empowering European citizens, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), and policymakers to further contribute to the prevention, detection, investigation, as well mitigation of OIDT related crime and societal impact.

More specifically, EITHOS will provide a common gateway for identity theft information and intelligence in Europe, built on top of a modern technological back end, based on two pillars: (1) Inform & Educate European citizens through the observatory itself and via innovative awareness campaigns regarding the safety of their personal data and identity, not forgetting a victimology perspective that will focus on socio-psychological impacts; (2) Identify & address the challenges that Police Authorities face against identity theft and develop a robust software toolset to support them and enhance their investigations.


Protecting places of worship from hate crime and terrorism

1 August 2018 – 31 December 2020

Programme: H2020

Supported by the G20 Inter Faith Forum and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), the PROTECTOR project designs, develops and delivers the next generation of integrated measures to enhance the protection of places of worship.

ALLIES Project

AI-based framework for supporting micro and small Hosting Service Providers on the report and removal of online terrorist content.

Duration: 1 February 2023 – 28 February 2025

Programme: Horizon Europe

The ALLIES project aims to support micro and small Hosting Service Providers (HSP) in achieving compliance with the new requirements and obligations under the “Terrorist Content Online” (TCO) Regulation.  This will be achieved through the creation of proper learning, training, experience sharing mechanisms as well as technical Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools.

TATE Project

Tech Against Terrorism Europe will drive greater awareness of the EU’s terrorist content online (TCO) regulation, supporting smaller tech companies in meeting the requirements to counter the terrorist threat.

1 September 2021 – 31 August 2024

Programme: European Union (ISF-2021-AG-TCO-101080101)

Tech Against Terrorism Europe will drive greater awareness of the EU’s terrorist content online (TCO) regulation, supporting smaller tech companies in meeting the requirements to counter the terrorist threat.

Bringing together industry and academia to combat cybercrime

1 May 2021 – 30 April 2026

Programme: Funded under Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens

The EU-funded CYCLOPES project will build and maintain an innovation-driven network for LEAs against cybercrime, creating synergies between LEA, industry and the scientific community. The project includes dedicated groups identifying solutions and research activities to assist and support the development of LEAs as well as practitioner workshops to define abilities, gaps and requirements in procedures, training, legal issues and standardisation. The workshops operate in the fields of direct cybercrime impact on people, cybercrime impact on systems and digital forensics.


1 September 2022 – 31 August 2025

Programme: Horizon Europe

MELCHIOR is an EU funded Coordination and Support Action project, which aims to improve, mature and demonstrate the novel infrasound interrogation Z-MESMERISE technology in operational environments including border controls in airports and sea-ports and land borders as well as other environments where the technology would be quite useful like crowded events and prisons.

ETAPAS Project
Ethical Technology Adoption in Public Administration Services 

1 November 2020 – 31 October 2023

Programme: H2020

The EU-funded ETAPAS project plans to build a framework and an assessment methodology to measure and mitigate ethical and legal risks connected to the adoption of DTs in the public sector. The goal is to allow the European public sector to make better use of new technologies and innovative solutions, improving operating efficiency, reducing management costs and increasing public trust and engagement.

FERMI Project
Fake News Risk Mitigator

01 October 2022 – 30 September 2025

Programme: H2020

FERMI develops a framework to detect and monitor the way that D&FN spread, both in terms of locations and within different segments of the society, and to put in place relevant security countermeasures.

Protection System for large gatherings of people in Religious Sites

1 June 2021 – 30 November 2023

Programme: Horizon Europe

FERMI seeks to provide law-enforcement agencies with the tools they need to stem the tide of disinformation-induced crimes. By doing so FERMI attempts to rectify a shortcoming of the dominant approaches to disinformation, which has been mostly seen as a public trust issue. Accordingly, the project’s three pilots are aimed at capturing proceedings where disinformation led to different forms of such violent extremism. The tools will be supplemented by comprehensive training materials for law-enforcement agencies. A seemingly less specific and non-tool-oriented set of training materials for the public will be produced too.


Enhancing the EU’s strategic autonomy in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) for law enforcement agencies (LEAs).

1 October 2021 – 30 September 2025

Programme: H2020

STARLIGHT aims to create a community that brings together LEAs, researchers, industry and practitioners in the security ecosystem under a coordinated and strategic effort to bring AI into operational practices.


Community-Based Smart City Digital Twin Platform for Optimised Disaster Risk Management operations and Enhanced Community Disaster Resilience

1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025

Programme: Horizon Europe

PANTHEON aims to design and develop a community-based digital framework for disaster resilience based on SCDT, making use of new and emerging technologies and innovations such as sensing from earth observation and the use of drone technology.

ENACT Project

European Network Against Crime and Terrorism

1 September 2023 – 31 August 2026 

Programme: Horizon Europe

ENACT is a European network to support the exchange of research and innovation knowledge as well as the visibility and uptake of solutions in the fight against crime and terrorism.


Ethical and Privacy-Preserving Big Data Platform Supporting Criminal Investigations

1 September 2024 – 31 August 2027

Programme: Horizon Europe

PRESERVE will design, implement and validate a privacy-preserving law enforcement and decision-support tool compliant with EU ethical standards for AI. The project will leverage AI-based models to analyse large amounts of data from various sources and identify patterns linked to cybercrime and terrorism, enabling proactive threat detection and prevention.