HOTHREAT – Tailored CBRNE protection measures for hotels and conference centres (ISF)

HOTHREAT – Tailored CBRNE protection measures for hotels and conference centres (ISF)

The main objective of the project is to increase the safety of EU member states society using the services of hotels and conference centres in regards to CBRNe threats. It will be achieved by conducting comprehensive vulnerability and needs analysis, identifying best practice to elaborate the tailor-made measures for CBRNe protection. The measures include recommendations for prevention, protection and response procedures and equipment, multiservice communication model, programmes for VIP visits, cleaning services, food defence, epidemiology enquire and CBRNe emergency application for mobile devices integrated with AR, and training materials for hotel employees. Involvement of end-users, series of piloting and large-scale exercises will allow to elaborate high-quality and well-addressed solutions and ensure project sustainability. Project lasts 2 years (June 2023 – May 2024).

WP 2: Analysis of end users’ needs, good practices and relevant EU funded projects

This part of the project focuses especially on analysing hotels and conference centres` needs and gaps in security systems, especially related to CBRN threats. Part of this work package is also research on existing legislation and review of similar projects using prepared methodology. Later inspection visits will be conducted by expert teams, during these visits the team will perform interviews with managerial staff as well as of regular employees have visited hotels and conference centres.

Inspection visits aim is to:

  • make analysis of existing best practices related to identification, vulnerability and risk assessment of security systems;
  • map technical solutions used to monitor, prevent and detect threats; results (tools, research reports, recommendations) of relevant EU projects; cooperation models with public services; training materials and schemes;
  • organize workshops with coordinators of different EC projects (H2020, ISFP, etc.).

The main result of this work package will be a comprehensive summary report on gaps and need of hotels and conference centres sector in the area of CBRN protection.

Workshop in Barcelona

International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI) in cooperation with University of Lodz, Atiram Hotels and with support of all HOTHREAT project consortium partners organized WP2 Workshop „Analysis of end users’ needs, best/good practices and relevant EU funded projects “in Oriente Atiram Hotel in Barcelona on 7th of February 2024.

Main workshop objectives were to:

  • recognize synergies among HOTREAT and other EU Projects,
  • present outcomes from Desk research, Survey Research and Inspection visits,
  • present outcomes of Analysis of existing practices in EU projects, international and national regulations,
  • deliver final identification of gaps, needs, recommendations and good/best practices,
  • discuss and present initial consideration for implementation of other WPs (WP3, WP4 and WP5) after analyses.

WP2 implementation started immediately after the consortium Kick-off meeting in the middle of July 2023. ISEMI as WP2 leader developed Methodology and tools with the aim to establish rules and guidance for how to implement all WP2 activities, that required involvement of all consortium partners especially KEMEA, University of Lodz and Safety Core and also end-users Hotel Boss, Double Three Hilton and University of Lodz Hotel and Conference Centre from Poland, Atiram Hotels from Spain and Aphrodite Hills Resort Ltd from Cyprus as representatives of hotels and conference centres.

Desk research, Survey Research, Inspection visits and Analyses of existing EU Projects outcomes presented during WP2 Workshop identified existing gaps, needs, recommendations and good/best practices that introduced the real picture that is necessary to implement in WP3, WP4 and WP5 in area of development of procedures, technical solutions and training to strengthen safety and security of end users against Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Threats.

WP2 Workshop was attended by representative of European Commission DG HOME Mrs. Anna Sobczak and 35 representatives from almost all consortium partners. As it was planned, results from all WP2 activities were presented and all identified gaps, needs, recommendations and good/best practices were summarized as fundamental sources of information for WP3, WP4 and WP5 leaders, who had a chance to discuss them during interactive part of workshop. 

At the end of the WP2 Workshop ISEMI representatives Lubos Trudic and Cameron Mann thanked all consortium partners for their work, effort and support in implementation of WP2 activities and tasks. Final reports from WP2 will be finalized at the end of February 2024.

Autor(s): Alena DIKOŠOVÁ, Ľuboš TRUDIČ (ISEMI)