Global security challenges of explosive and CBRN terrorist attacks

Global security challenges of explosive and CBRN terrorist attacks

Suggest a title to the text: Terrorist attacks involving explosives and CBRN materials remain a global threat, influenced by technological advances and changing geopolitical landscapes. While explosive attacks are prevalent, CBRN incidents are less common, with only 47 such cases in Western Europe between 1970 and 2019, compared to thousands of explosive and firearms attacks. Countries like the UK, France, and Spain have faced the highest number of terrorist incidents, highlighting the need for vigilant security strategies. Despite the limited occurrence of CBRN attacks, they present a significant challenge to global security, necessitating early detection efforts by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Predictive profiling and behavioral analysis have emerged as key counterterrorism measures, utilizing behavioral patterns and physical manipulation to identify potential threats. Although effective when combined with technologies like screening machines, detectors, and bomb sniffer dogs, these approaches raise ethical and privacy concerns due to potential biases. Nevertheless, they have shown promise in preventing high-risk situations, particularly in airports and transportation hubs. In response to CBRN terrorism, countries such as the US, UK, and France have implemented specialized training programs and surveillance measures. The response to the Tbilisi airport Yperite attack in Georgia underscores the importance of CBRN-specific preparedness, including training security forces. International cooperation is crucial, as such attacks can cause mass casualties, psychological trauma, and widespread societal disruption.

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Author(s): Marian Kolencik, International Security and Emergency Management Institute

Keywords: Terrorism, explosives, CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear), Counterterrorism